Creative ABBY and Campaign India Digital Crest awards for this website

New Delhi, 1 May 2014

In May 2014, won a Creative ABBY Bronze award in the Best Brand Corporate Website category. The website seeks to showcase the strategy, innovations, learning, and impact of the Shaping Demand and Practices project.

Awarded by the Advertising Club Bombay at the Goafest, the ABBY Awards “are the Oscars of Indian ad awards to honour creative excellence in advertising,” and are considered one of the biggest and most prestigious advertising award events in the country.

Earlier this month, this website, also won the Campaign India Digital Crest Award 2014.

Campaign India is an influential fortnightly magazine focused on advertising, media, and marketing. Its prestigious awards celebrate “excellence in the most engaging, creative and effective campaigns across digital media”., won an award in the ‘Best Website (Brand)’ category.