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‘Petpuja’ (Stomach worship) on Complimentary Feeding


This ad aimed to demystify ‘complementary feeding’ through a vivid demonstration, which would make it seem doable and accessible, as well as reinforcing the need to wait six months before starting complementary feeding and underlining the frequency of feeding. This advertisement for complementary feeding answers some basic questions: When does a child transition from mother’s milk to solid food, what do you feed the child, and what consistency should the food be?

The film traces the story of a group of women who are determined to discover the secret behind the village’s healthiest baby. Through this story we demonstrate how complementary feeding after completing six months makes a happy, healthy baby and how doable/ accessible it is. The idea is to translate the message into a “creative hook” that can become common currency and turn ‘Dekha Kitna asaan, Tandarust bacche ka sahi khan pan ’ (See how easy it is, to give the right food for a healthy baby) into a motto.